In the framework of the project “Culture for/from all: policy cooperation among Macedonia and Kosovo”, PAC Multimedia is preased to announce the promotions of the Strategies for cultural development of the municipalities from Macedonia taking part in the project, namely, Tetovo, Kichevo and Gostivar.
The schedule of the promotions is the following:
Tetovo: August 29, 2012 in the Municipal Hall, starting at 11h
Kichevo: August 30, 2012 in the Municipal Hall, starting at 12h
Gostivar: August 31, 2012 in the Municipal Hall, starting at 11h
Speakers at the promotions will be the local teams involved in the design of the strategies and Ms. Violeta Simjanovska, executive manager of PAC Multimedia.
The strategies set out the guidelines for the cultural development of the municipalities, and, by (re) defining the identity of the city, which is based on the collective memory of the people, cultural heritage (movable and immovable) and vision for the future. The postulates of these documents positions then as open and dynamic while the process of (re) defining and (re) positioning of local cultural policies is complex and certainly not short. Maximizing the power of culture as a central activity in a society, includes a number of steps. They promote new models of cultural planning at the local level that focus on de-institutionalization of culture, civic awareness, programming based on the needs of the community, participatory decision-making and public-private partnerships between cultural actors at the local level.
We would be pleased to welcome you at the events!