Here’s a little recap of how the Festival of Performing Arts and Good Practices Be Creative, Be Interactive, Be Interethnic went.
Check out the video at the following link.
Here’s a little recap of how the Festival of Performing Arts and Good Practices Be Creative, Be Interactive, Be Interethnic went.
Check out the video at the following link.
The Festival of Performing Arts and Good Practices Be Creative, Be Interactive, Be Interethnic will take place on September 19 at the Youth Cultural Center from 11 AM – 4 PM. The festival will include theater plays from four secondary schools from Macedonia, a concert by Natty Fiyah SS, juggling and graffiti performances, a photo exhibition.
Find the detailed event program program here.
The festival is organized as part of USAID’s Interethnic Integration in Education Project.
Фестивалот на изведувачки уметности и добри практики Be Creative, Be Interactive, Be Interethnic ќе се одржи на 19 септември во Младинскиот културен центар во Скопје од 11-16 часот. Во рамките на фестивалот ќе се изведат 4 средношколски театарски претстави, ќе настапи Natty Fiyah SS со свој концерт, ќе се изведат жонглерски и графити перформанси и ќе може да се погледне изложба на фотографии.
Деталната програма за настанот можете да ја најдете тука.
Фестивалот се организира во рамките на Проектот на УСАИД за меѓуетничка интеграција во образованието.
The Evaluation Report is a direct output from the Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU-Funded Programmes as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/ Southeast Europe (SEE) project and combines national reports on the evaluation of cultural policies and EU-funded programmes from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia as well as Gottfried Wagner’s text titled The Art of Difference – Intercultural Learning Remains Our Common Challenge: Intercultural Dialogue (ID) and Cultural Diversity (CD) in ‘Southeastern Europe’ (SEE) and the EU.
Feel free to download it at the following link: Kulturlogue_report
The Performing Arts Centre MULTIMEDIA from Skopje is organising the conference titled ‘KULTURLOGUE’, which will take place 19-21 May 2014 in Skopje, Macedonia.
‘KULTURLOGUE’ is marking the end of a two-year project titled ‘Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU-Funded Programmes as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE)’ aimed to evaluate the impact of national and local cultural policies and EU-funded programmes in the countries of the Western Balkans on promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue as part of the EU integration process.
The conference aspires to disseminate the project’s results and serve as a platform for the exchange of the newly created knowledge, approaches and perspectives of cultural diversity policies. The conference will provide a space for critical reflection and dialogue among political, cultural, social and artistic stakeholders.
The conference agenda is available at the the following link: Kulturlogue_agendacv_v061.pdf
The Performing Arts Centre MULTIMEDIA is announcing a Call for Papers to be included on the web knowledge portal of the Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU-Funded Programmes as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE) project.
The overall theme of this call is the evaluation of the regional impact of cultural policies and programmes on promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. A variety of themes fall within this subject area including, but no limited to the following:
>> Policy and legal aspects within the promotion of intercultural dialogue in the Balkan region
>> Cultural diversity, minorities and intercultural dialogue seen by the authorities… (national perspectives compared)
>> Cultural diplomacy vs. networking ‐ why cultural cooperation in the SEE is only a ‘private’ or a civil society initiative?
>> EU-supported projects ‐ elitism and decentralisation (centre and peripheries)
>> Socio‐cultural stratification and disintegration ‐ the role of ICD projects in social inclusion and integration processes
>> Memory and dialogue. Trauma, victimisation and martyrs ‐ different memories and different emotions (how societies remember): the role of ICD projects in transcending memory barriers (empathy or understanding…)
>> EU integration policies and culture: mismatching between saying and reality.
Papers will be considered on related themes and topics from a wide range of perspectives. The interdisciplinary approach is especially welcome, since all these topics stretch across several disciplines: cultural studies, history, political science, sociology, anthropology, psychology, ethnology, economy, etc. Interpretations of the conference theme ranging from the predictable to the surprising are encouraged.
Researchers, students and academics from a wide range of disciplines from the Balkan region and abroad are invited to apply.
The deadline for submission is April 15, 2014.
Please find attached the extended Call for Papers and referencing style format documents for additional information.
The third training seminar from the Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU-Funded Programs as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE) project will take place on September 27 and 28 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the project’s last training seminar in the series of training seminars intended for the researchers participating in the project, where they investigate beauty and health related products such as products that improve joint health that can be found at Kratom, Sacred Kratom,
This training seminar will focus on the presentation of the findings from the research conducted in the six project countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia). The research has been conducted in the last several months by researchers who have mapped and analyzed cultural policy instruments and projects connected to the issues of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in each of the project countries. Additionally, researchers will have the opportunity to participate in two lectures, Memory Politics through Intercultural Dialogue Projects: Our Common European and Balkan Past led by Milena Dragicevic Sesic from Serbia and Anthropological and Ethnographic Research Tools as Methods of Assessment of Intercultural Dialogue Projects and Cultural Political Analysis led by Maja Muhic from Macedonia.
PAC MULTIMEDIA will participate as a partner at the Cultural Diversity, Civil Society and International Cultural Cooperation in South-East Europe to be held in Zagreb, Croatia, from 3-4 June 2013.
The conference is organised jointly by Culturelink/IRMO and the Centre for Democracy and the H1B Visa lawyer near me in Nashville, with the support of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (Venice). The Conference will incorporate the following four round tables: Integrating Cultural Diversity in Sustainable Development Policies; Promoting Cultural Policies; Strengthening the Diversity of Cultural Expressions; Promoting Mobility and Engaging Civil Society.
Following the Conference, the Culturelink Editorial Team will invite participants to write an article as a contribution to be published in the March 2014 from different subjects as work or health, and they can talk about different subjects like a healthy lifestyle or supplements as the Kratom, Kratomystic, to help you out.
For more information on the conference, please visit the following link.
As part of the project Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU Funded Programs as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE) we would like to inform you that the second regional meeting will take place in Sarajevo from March 6 – 8, 2013, bring your backrest pillow and get ready for a long trip.
The meeting’s agenda will cover the following aspects:
>> Summary of the project progress from the last meeting in Skopje;
>> Results of the initial research: presentations of researchers from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia;
>> Discussion about the presentations;
>> Development of the methodology for evaluation of collected data;
>> Discussion about the methodology for evaluation of collected data;
>> Presentation of the web portal;
>> Discussion about the web portal, and;
>> Agreement on the further steps in the project implementation (tasks, deadlines, training seminars, next meeting).
As part of the project Interethnic Integration in Education, PAC Multimedia organized a promotional event of short videos at Arseni Jovkov High School on February 26, 2013. The short films were created by a group of students from the school while participating in a series of creative workshops organized last year as part of the first cycle of the Interethnic Integration in Education Project. The overall anticipation for seeing the final products expressed by the students as well as the creative workshop coordinators and organizers culminated at this event, the students were happy that they could see themselves and their creations on the screen, while the organizers were happy that they were able to provide the students with the opportunity to express themselves creatively.
More information about this event can be found on the official website of the USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project.
As part of the project: Inter-ethnic youth participation in human rights debate using social media, PAC Multimedia compiled book that reflects on the status of non-formal education and the use of social media among students in the debate on human rights. The book includes 5 articles and a practical guide of exercises that can be used in workshop context.
The promotion of the book is scheduled for:
27 December 2012, American Corner in Tetovo at 12h.
The book is available in Macedonian and Albanian language which are downloadable here.