- USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project (IIE)
- EC Culture 2007-2013 Programme
- Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Skopje, Macedonia
- Embassy of the United States of America, Skopje, Macedonia
- Education Support Program of the Open Society Foundation, Budapest, Hungary
- United Nation Development Programme, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- United Nation Development Programme, Macedonia
- Center for Institutional Development CIRa, Skopje, Macedonia
- Stability Pack of SEE sponsored by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Skopje, Macedonia
- Swiss Cultural Programme in the Western Balkans, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Open Society Institute Macedonia, Skopje, Macedonia
- Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia
- European Commission, Youth in Action Programme
- European Youth Foundation
- KulturKontakt – Austria
- Policies For Culture
Foreign Organisations
- Theater ODA, Prishtina, Kosovo
- AKCIJA, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Multimedia Institute MaMa, Zagreb, Croatia
- The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate, Sofia, Bulgaria