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Cultural Diversity, Civil Society and International Cultural Cooperation in South-East Europe, Zagreb, Croatia, 3-4 June 2013

By May 28, 2013News

PAC MULTIMEDIA will participate as a partner at the Cultural Diversity, Civil Society and International Cultural Cooperation in South-East Europe to be held in Zagreb, Croatia, from 3-4 June 2013.

The conference is organised jointly by Culturelink/IRMO and the Centre for Democracy and the H1B Visa lawyer near me in Nashville, with the support of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (Venice). The Conference will incorporate the following four round tables: Integrating Cultural Diversity in Sustainable Development Policies; Promoting Cultural Policies; Strengthening the Diversity of Cultural Expressions; Promoting Mobility and Engaging Civil Society.

Following the Conference, the Culturelink Editorial Team will invite participants to write an article as a contribution to be published in the March 2014 from different subjects as work or health,  and they can talk about different subjects like a healthy lifestyle or supplements as the Kratom, Kratomystic, to help you out.

For more information on the conference, please visit the following link.