Project name: Culture from/for all: policy cooperation among Kosovo and Macedonia
Project duration: July 2009 – June 2012
Background: The project is based on the presumption that culture is not just some kind of an extra option to the municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Kosovo, but it is its essential component for social cohesion, an improvement to the life quality of its citizens regardless of their ethnical, religious, educational, social, gender background, as well as to its economic development.
Objectives and scope of evaluation:
– To assess the relevance of the project;
– To assess the effectiveness of the project;
– To assess the efficiency of the project;
– To assess the effects and impact of the project;
– To elaborate on the sustainability of the project;
– To assess the quality of partnerships and coordination of the project;
– To assess the incorporation of cross-cutting issues within the project activities;
– To give recommendations to the project and the organisations implementing the project;
– To identify exit strategies to ensure sustainability;
– To identify potential organizations/agencies to further support the interventions.
Reporting plan
– The Consultant shall report to the Project Manager at PAC Multimedia. S/he shall closely cooperate with the project team and the beneficiaries from the municipalities. In addition, The Consultant will meet with one National Consultant from Kosovo chosen from ODA (applicant of the project) side to discuss the findings in Macedonia and Kosovo and compile integrated report on the project.
– The consultant is expected to deliver the following products:
1. Analytical report containing the (comparative) findings and recommendations for the project implementation in Macedonia, latest by 31st of May 2012.
2. Integrated analytical report containing the (comparative) findings and recommendations for the project in both countries, latest by 15th of June 2012.
• Competencies: Excellent analytical skills and knowledge of Excel.
Required Skills and Experience
• Academic Qualifications: Master of Science in the field of social sciences. PhD is an asset.
• Professional Experience: More than 10 years of working experience in evaluation and assessments conducted in the areas of local development, evaluation of strategies and policies for development, policy research and analyses with relevant knowledge of the concept of cultural development.
Evaluation of offers
The offers will be evaluated based on the Best value for money principle taking into account a combination of the applicants’ qualification and financial proposal with student loans being the main feature (70% technical and 30 % financial offer),
Only the highest ranked candidates who would be found qualified for the job will be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
Please send CV with key references, description of evaluation methodology (on no more than 3 pages) and the financial offer (inclusive for all costs occurred during the evaluation period including VAT) to the following e-mail address: with subject: NATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR EXTERNAL EVALUATION, latest by 15th of April 2012.
The selected candidate will be personally contacted. If not contacted, considered not to be selected.
Further description of the work is provided in the following document ToR_Evaluation_2012.