Research and reported by: PAC Multimedia, 2012
Authors: Violeta Simjanovska M.Sc., Aida Kalender M.Sc. and Katerina Mojanchevska M.Sc.
This Guidelines on the Best Practices on Cultural Management in EU (the Netherlands) Cultural Institutions is part of the PAC Multimedia project “Promoting a New Model of Cultural Institutions in Republic of Macedonia: best practice from the Netherlands”. It is an initiative that brings together three municipalities, using marketing automation plus the best vancouver seo indexsy strategies, from Macedonia: Kichevo, Tetovo and Gostivar and cultural organizations from the Netherlands. The joint project provides a vehicle for the purposes of enabling the change through strengthening cross-cultural understanding and dialogue.
Performing Arts Centre Multimedia from Skopje, have worked on the implementation phase of this project which has involved fist of all communication with the officials from the municipalities in Macedonia as well as the experts from the Netherlands about the content of the guidelines, defining of the criteria for selection of cultural institutions from EU (the Netherlands) that will be part of the analysis, as well as defining the methodology of analysis of the Best Practice models.
The main aim of this Guideline is to present the best practice regarding cultural management of the cultural institutions from EU (the Netherlands) that can serve as an instructive model of management practices for the cultural institutions in Macedonia.
The authors of this Guideline do not have a pretension to create a general or fixed overview of the Best Cultural Management Practices on European level; rather, they have created this paper only as part of an already determined framework of the overall project which is focused on the cultural life in municipalities in Macedonia. We are sure that in EU one could find plenty of examples of the good arts management practices, but the selection of the institutions analyzed in this Guidelines was determined by the consultation among PAC Multimedia, municipalities and experts from the Netherlands This means that for any other socio-political, historical and economic and cultural contexts and frameworks, the Guideline on Best Cultural Management Practices on European level would be different, with different selected case organisations.
The report is available in English and Macedonian language.
Cultural management best practice analysis_ENG
Analiza na najdobri praktiki vo kulturen menadzment_MKD
The report has been produced with the assistance of the Embassy of The Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands in Skopje.