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Guideline on the Cultural Management Best Practices Analysis in EU Cultural Institutions (three Case Studies from the Netherlands)

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Research and reported by: PAC Multimedia, 2012

Authors: Violeta Simjanovska M.Sc., Aida Kalender M.Sc. and Katerina Mojanchevska M.Sc.

This Guidelines on the Best Practices on Cultural Management in EU (the Netherlands) Cultural Institutions is part of the PAC Multimedia project “Promoting a New Model of Cultural Institutions in Republic of Macedonia: best practice from the Netherlands”. It is an initiative that brings together three municipalities, using marketing automation plus the best vancouver seo indexsy strategies,  from Macedonia: Kichevo, Tetovo and Gostivar and cultural organizations from the Netherlands. The joint project provides a vehicle for the purposes of enabling the change through strengthening cross-cultural understanding and dialogue.

Performing Arts Centre Multimedia from Skopje, have worked on the implementation phase of this project which has involved fist of all communication with the officials from the municipalities in Macedonia as well as the experts from the Netherlands about the content of the guidelines, defining of the criteria for selection of cultural institutions from EU (the Netherlands) that will be part of the analysis, as well as defining the methodology of analysis of the Best Practice models.

The main aim of this Guideline is to present the best practice regarding cultural management of the cultural institutions from EU (the Netherlands) that can serve as an instructive model of management practices for the cultural institutions in Macedonia.

The authors of this Guideline do not have a pretension to create a general or fixed overview of the Best Cultural Management Practices on European level; rather, they have created this paper only as part of an already determined framework of the overall project which is focused on the cultural life in municipalities in Macedonia. We are sure that in EU one could find plenty of examples of the good arts management practices, but the selection of the institutions analyzed in this Guidelines was determined by the consultation among PAC Multimedia, municipalities and experts from the Netherlands This means that for any other socio-political, historical and economic and cultural contexts and frameworks, the Guideline on Best Cultural Management Practices on European level would be different, with different selected case organisations.

The report is available in English and Macedonian language.

Cultural management best practice analysis_ENG

Analiza na najdobri praktiki vo kulturen menadzment_MKD

The report has been produced with the assistance of the Embassy of The Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands in Skopje.

Round Table and Debate in the municipality of Strumica, 15 November 2012

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As part of the project, INTER-ETHNIC INTEGRATION IN EDUCATION, PAC Multimedia is organizing a series of Round Tables and Debates in the municipality of Strumica, on 15 November 2012. The Round Table and the Debate will take place in the conference hall of the Army House. The Round Table will start at 11h while the debate will start at 14h.
The general topic of the events is: How we are seeing our education in the Multicultural/ (Intercultural) context of our society in the future? How I/we can contribute to this process of making it better?
Specific themes addressed by two panelists are:

–       Responsible citizenship programme: building respect, consideration and participation in schools;

–       Social responsibility and Innovative approaches in formal and non-formal education.
Moderator of the events is Petrit Sarachini.
Panelists at the events are: Sasho Macanovski-Trendo and Ana Tomovska-Misoska.
Representatives from the Municipality, the Schools (Directors and Teachers), the Council of Parents, the Municipal Commissions for Inter-ethnic relations, the civil society sector and the students are welcomed at the events.
More information at the following link:


Round table and debate on Inter-ethnic education, Tetovo, 07 November 2012

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As part of the project, INTER-ETHNIC INTEGRATION IN EDUCATION, PAC Multimedia is organizing a series of Round Tables and Debates in the municipality of Tetovo, on 07 November 2012. The Round Table and the Debate will take place in the conference hall of the CBC “Loja”. The Round Table will start at 11h while the debate will start at 14h.
The general topic of the events is: How we are seeing our education in the Multicultural/ (Intercultural) context of our society in the future? How I/we can contribute to this process of making it better?
Specific themes addressed by two panelists are:

–       Responsible citizenship programme: building respect, consideration and participation in schools;

–       Social responsibility and Innovative approaches in formal and non-formal education.

Moderator of the events is Petrit Sarachini.
Panelists at the events are: Maja Muhic and Rubin Zemon.
Representatives from the Municipality, the Schools(Directors and Teachers), the Council of Parents, the Municipal Commissions for Inter-ethnic relations, the civil society sector and the students are welcomed at the events.
More information at the following link:


Round table and debate on Inter-ethnic education, Bitola, 02 November 2012

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As part of the project, INTER-ETHNIC INTEGRATION IN EDUCATION, PAC Multimedia is organizing the first series of Round Tables and Debates in the municipality of Bitola, on 02 November 2012. The Round Table will take place in the municipality of Bitola at 11h while the debate will take at the conference hall of the hotel “Milenium” at 14h.

The general topic of the events is: How we are seeing our education in the Multicultural/ (Intercultural) context of our society in the future? How I/we can contribute to this process of making it better?

Specific themes addressed by two panelists are:

–       Responsible citizenship programme: building respect, consideration and participation in schools;

–       Social responsibility and Innovative approaches in formal and non-formal education.

Moderator of the events is Petrit Sarachini.

Panelists at the events are: Sasho Macanovski-Trendo and Ana Tomovska-Misoska.

Representatives from the Municipality, the Schools(Directors and Teachers), the Council of Parents, the Municipal Commissions for Inter-ethnic relations, the civil society sector and the students are welcomed at the events.

More information at the following links:


Regional experts and researcher`s of cultural policy meeting, 18-19 October, Skopje

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The Meeting is part of the EU-project: Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU funded programs as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE), implemented in the period May 2012 – April 2014. The aim of the project is to evaluate the impact of national and local cultural policies and EU funded programs for culture in the countries of the Western Balkans in promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue as a part of the EU integration process.


The project is lead by PAC Multimedia and the partnering institutions are Akcija from Sarajevo and the österreichische kulturdokumentation from Vienna.


The objective of the Meeting is to gather 2-3 experts and cultural researchers from each participating country: Austria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro so to set the basic criteria for cooperation as well as for analysis and evaluation of the existing data on cultural policies and programmes related to promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue.


Furthermore, research methodologies, procedures in data collection and their use for the comprehensive web platform and database (which will serve as the main tool for sharing and dissemination of information) shall be discussed.


Donors of the project are: Culture 2007-2013 Programme, SCP Capacity and Mobility Fund and OSF Macedonia.


Place: Conference hall of hotel Queens (TC Zebra), Skopje

Date: 18-19 October 2012

Agenda meeting 18-19 OCTOBER 2012_Skopje



Start of activities: PAC MULTIMEDIA`s activities under USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project (IIE)

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PAC MULTIMEDIA is sub-recipient under MCEC’s contract for USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project (IIEP), primarily responsible for providing outreach activities in the 4 pilot municipalities through roundtable discussions and debates on IIE organized for educational stakeholders, as well as piloting multimedia students’ activities related to interethnic integration in education which will serve as a future model activities.

Period: September – December, 2012

PAC MULTIMEDIA will implement project activities that are part of Component 1: Community Outreach Activities thorough round-table discussions and debates on IIE organized for educational stakeholders, as well as students’ activities related to interethnic integration in education which will serve as future model activities, using art as a tool.


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Performing Arts Center MULTIMEDIA is announcing the following terms of reference (‘ToR’) to engage an Auditor to perform a financial audit and to report in connection with the project Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU funded programs as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE).

The objectives of this audit are to enable the Auditor to express an opinion on whether:

– the Financial Report presents fairly, in all material respects, the actual expenditure incurred and the revenue received for the Project for the period from May 2012 to May 2014 in conformity with the applicable Contractual Conditions; and

– the Project funds provided by the Performing Arts Center MULTIMEDIA have, in all material respects, been used in conformity with the applicable Contractual Conditions.

Following the desciription of the service work, the requirements for the Auditor, the scope of work and the audit procedures can be downloaded.

Please send Proposals with key references and the financial offer (inclusive for all costs occurred during the audit period) to the following e-mail address: with subject: EXTERNAL AUDIT, latest by 21st of September 2012.

Promotion: Strategies for cultural development of the municipalities of Tetovo, Kichevo and Gostivar in MK

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In the framework of the project “Culture for/from all: policy cooperation among Macedonia and Kosovo”, PAC Multimedia is preased to announce the promotions of the Strategies for cultural development of the municipalities from Macedonia taking part in the project, namely, Tetovo, Kichevo and Gostivar.
The schedule of the promotions is the following:
Tetovo: August 29, 2012 in the Municipal Hall, starting at 11h
Kichevo: August 30, 2012 in the Municipal Hall, starting at 12h
Gostivar: August 31, 2012 in the Municipal Hall, starting at 11h
Speakers at the promotions will be the local teams involved in the design of the strategies and Ms. Violeta Simjanovska, executive manager of PAC Multimedia.
The strategies set out the guidelines for the cultural development of the municipalities, and, by (re) defining the identity of the city, which is based on the collective memory of the people, cultural heritage (movable and immovable) and vision for the future. The postulates of these documents positions then as open and dynamic while the process of (re) defining and (re) positioning of local cultural policies is complex and certainly not short. Maximizing the power of culture as a central activity in a society, includes a number of steps. They promote new models of cultural planning at the local level that focus on de-institutionalization of culture, civic awareness, programming based on the needs of the community, participatory decision-making and public-private partnerships between cultural actors at the local level.
We would be pleased to welcome you at the events!

Debates on Strategies for local cultural development and new models of cultural institutions in Tetovo, Gostivar and Kichevo

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PAC Multimedia in the frame of the project “Culture for/from all: policy cooperation among Macedonia and Kosovo” is organising public debates in the cities of Tetovo, Gostivar and Kichevo so to discuss the developed startegies and action plans with teh citizens.
The schedule of the debates is the following:
Gostivar: 25 June 2012 in the Municipal Hall, starting at 12h
Tetovo: 02 July 2012 in the Municipal Hall, starting at 17h
Kichevo: 03 July 2012 in the Municipal Hall, starting at 11h
Presenters at the sessions at the local teams involved in the design of the strategies, moderator of the sessions is Ms. Violeta Simjanovska, executive manager of PAC Multimedia and local teams involved in study visit to cultural institutions in Amsterdam.

The participation of the citizens is welcomed so to give reflection, feedback and contribute to development of participatory cultural policies.


Project: Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU funded programs as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE)

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In May 2012, PAC Multimedia is starting with the project: Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU funded programs as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE), supported by the European Commission Culture 2007-2013 Programme.


Partners in the project are: österreichische kulturdokumentation. internationales archiv für kulturanalysen from Austria and Udruženje građana “Akcija” from Bosnia and Herzegovina.