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Creating knowledge-based organisations: Knowledge management research within civil society organisations in Macedonia, by Katerina Mojanchevska and Violeta Simjanovska

By Publications

Knowledge gathering and sharing are key parts of the knowledge management initiatives. An effective process of knowledge management requires a supporting organisational infrastructure that clearly sets the guidelines and communication schemes of who, how and when gathers data, where data is disposed and further transferred within the organisation and the wider community.

The aim of this report is, on one side, to identify and analyze key processes, techniques and tools for creating and harnessing knowledge in Performing Arts Center MULTIMEDIA from Skopje, Macedonia and, on the other side, to provide information on the status of the subject among the civil society sector in Macedonia.

Moreover, this report is designed to support the civil society organisations in finding, creating, managing and sharing knowledge to improve their performance by introducing the value of knowledge management, providing portfolio of KM tools and techniques and providing approaches to organisational processes which support KM.

The book is available in English language and can be freely downloaded here.

Research results on cultural life in the Municipalities of Tetovo, Gostivar and Kichevo, by Violeta Simjanovska

By Publications


The purpose of these publications is to determine the situation in terms of cultural life in the municipalities of Tetovo, Gostivar and Kichevo and to detect the current situation in the cultural field in order to support the planning process (creation) of a strategy for cultural development of these communities.

Planning for cultural development one of the main instruments that define the local cultural policy. Cultural development, as a general social category involves a process of development of all areas of human life. In global terms, the development is a process that involves homogenization or tendency of balancing the way people live worldwide. This includes the creation of common values.

These books are provided in accordance with the Grant Agreement Number IG – 04-09, under the programme implemented by CIVICA Mobilitas and financially supported by SDC. All the above contents are opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CIRa and SDC.

The publications are part of the project “Culture from-for all: policy cooperation among Macedonia and Kosovo“, realised in partnership with ODA from Prishtina, Kosovo, and financed by the Swiss Cultural Programme in the Western Balkans, European Cultural Foundation, the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe sponsored by the German Embassy in Skopje and the Olof Palme International Center.

The brochures are available in Macedonian and Albanian language and can be freely downloaded.


Research Cultural Life Tetovo ALB

Research Cultural Life Tetovo MKD




Research Cultural Life Kicevo ALB

Research Cultural Life Kichevo MKD



Gostivar Publication

Research Cultural Life Gostivar ALB

Research Cultural Life Gostivar MKD






Youth fighting discrimination through social media (2011-2012)

By Art and Community 2011-2016

The main objective of the project is to empower youth to actively address discrimination in their school environment by creative use of social media and new technologies (Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Blogs, etc). Through activities that promote human rights education at schools and through social networks, the project will promote students as defenders against discrimination and as multipliers of this practice in their school environment. In such way, the project hopes to contribute to student`s efforts promoting their school environment as human rights based community, moreover, it will assist schools in meeting their obligations under the international human rights conventions.

The project is financed by Assisting Communities Together Programme of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human rights of UN and UNDP Office in Skopje.

Underground Festival (2000)

By Productions 1998-2004

The first attempt for organized action took place in 1992, when Anarchist Youth Federation organized the first Macedonian underground festival with 15 bands all of them from Macedonia. In 1996 AYF for the second time was the organizer of the Macedonian underground festival now with 8 domestic bands and one band from Croatia.

In January 1998 Corpus Delicti Tapes, succeeded in organizing the greatest East – European underground festival with 15 bands from 9 different countries. During this festival two panel discussion were held with representatives from the participating countries. All together during these three days in January 1998 in Skopje, more than 80 European underground artists exchanged ideas and shared thoughts.

In 1999, Corpus Delicti Tapes make new edition of underground festival, now with name “All ordinary people”. In 2000 year we don’t make a festival because we want to replace the time to organized the festival in May. The name of this year’s festival is ‘Child of 20th century’.

For more information, please contact

Festival of New Music: Synthesis (2000-2006)

By Productions 1998-2004

We have been searching for a title for this Festival for quite some time. We knew what we wanted – Music of the 20th century. But immediately we were faced with the question how to cover all movements in the music of this century, which, especially in the 70s, increased significantly. How to link Debussy from the beginning of this century with the ambient music, or with the new trends in the electronic music, the interactive music, Brian Eno’s music installations?

Our concept is only one out of hundreds of possibilities. It displays the links between the various lifestyles of certain people in certain times.
Although the authors of this music come from different continents and different periods, and the performers come from different meridians, they carry in them and with them the mutually interwoven influences that are conveyed through electronic communication and digital signals, which is a feature of this century, plus they all use the best Holoplot audio technology systems.

SYNTHESIS – a combination of different parts, elements, substances, assembly of different parts in a whole… (Dictionary of philosophy)

Synthesis- Festival of the 20th century music (up to 1999) and the Festival of New Music the following year appeared first in 1994. It was Violeta Simjanovska’s idea, and it was realised through the Youth Cultural Center. In 1998 for the first time the Information Center for Performing Arts – MULTIMEDIA appeared as an organiser.
Many musicians from around the world participated in this Festival. As the very name of the Festival shows, our intention is to have different music productions, which have been marking the 20th century, participating in it. Despite the fact that this Festival is dedicated to the contemporary musical trends, still every year the program incorporates ethno-music, multimedia projects, experimental projects etc.

This Festival is the only one of this kind in the region. According to our researches from the last 5 years, there is a huge need for this type of manifestation both with artists and audience.
Many world-famous names in music took part in the Festival: Pierre Laurent Aimard, Roger Woodward, Stephan Micus, Kronos Quartet, Arditti Quartet, Duo Garrau – Millet, Ihsan Ozgen, Blain Raininger, Synthesis – International Chamber Orchestra of Young Musicians, ICTUS Piano – Percussion Quartet, Paul Giger, Dave Liebman – Gropu Tin – Tin Quartet, European Mozzart Academy Ensembles, Maria Joao, Trilok Gurtu, Le Concert Impromptu, Roger Eno, Omar Faruk Tekbilek, Meredith Monk, Percussion de Strasbourg, New York Accord, Macedonian Young Musicians, Igor Tosevski, Dejan Spasovic, Nora Stojanovic.

In 1994, SYNTHESIS – Festival of the 20th century Music was held in June, but from 1995 to 1998 it was traditionally held in April. It was scheduled to be held in April 1999 as well, with already arranged program including renounced world names and Macedonian artists, but due to the situation, mainly due to the crisis in neighboring Yugoslavia, that year the Festival did not take place.
In 2000, upon entering the new millennium, we gave a new name to the Festival, SYNTHESIS – Festival of New Music.

Debate: Civil initiative in determination of possible strategy on cultural development of the Republic of Macedonia (1998-2000)

By Cultural Policy 1998-2004


Debate 1: What is it Culture? What had we overtaken? Instruments of the cultural politics; catalogue of the articulative elements and formative areas of the cultural politics.

Debate 2: The Macedonian cultural concept in the European and general shapes.

Debate 3: Transition and culture; Privatisation of culture; Models of financing.

Debate 4: Culture and identity.

Debate 5: Media and culture.

Debate 6: How can we build up relation of trust between the politics and the culture; Basic aims of the new culture politics.


Debate 1: Reconsideration: Macedonian cultural strategy in a regional context.

Debate 2: Basic aims on new cultural policy of Republic of Macedonia.

Art for social change: capacity building programme (1999-2006)

By Art for Social Change 1998-2004

Workshop:  Art for Social Changes 1, 19–21.05.1999, Ohrid
Workshop:  Art for Social Changes 2, 07–09.05. 1999, Bitola
Workshop:  Art for Social Changes 3, 13–14.05.1999, Skopje
Workshop:  Training the Trainers,  21.06–04.07.1999, Skopje
Workshops: Play Against Violence (twice a week work of artists and pedagogical workers with children in ground schools in Skopje and Tetovo), September – December 1999, Skopje and Tetovo

Workshop: Play Against Violence, 31.08–03.09. 2000, Ohrid

Workshop: Play Against Violence, 15–17.09.2000, Bitola

Workshop: Play Against Violence, 22–24.09. 2000, Skopje

Workshop: Art for Social Change, 09.06-15.06.2001, Ohrid

Workshop: Play against violence, 07-09.06. 2002,Struga

Workshop: Play against violence, 21-23.06. 2002,Bitola

Workshop: Play against violence, 15-17.11.2002, Ohrid;

Workshop: Play against violence, 29.11.2002-01.12.2002, Ohrid;

Regional Workshop: “Subcities: Integration-Interaction”, Art for Social Change programme, 27.03.2003 – 31.03.2003;  Gdansk, Poland;

Regional Workshop: “Group Loops”: Art for Social Change programme, 29.05.2003 – 01.06.2003; Ohrid;

Final Presentation: “The 5-th element”, Art for Social Changes, 12-14.07.2003, Houseof culture “Grigor Prvicev” Ohrid;

Workshop: Art for social changes,26-28.09.2003, Ohrid;

Workshop: “The book project”, 12-14.12.2003; Ohrid;

Workshop: Art for social change; 17-19.02.2004; Ohrid

Final Presentation: Art for Social Change, June, 2004, Krushevo

Regional Workshop: “Evaluation of artistic interventions with youth- Individual or social change”: Art for Social Change programme, March 2005; Gdansk, Poland;

Workshop: Implementation of “Art for Social Change” program in 24 Babylon Youth Centers, 23-25 May, 2005, Oteshevo

Workshop: Implementation of “Art for Social Change” program in 24 Babylon Youth Centers”, 08-10 June, 2005, Gratce, Kocani

Workshop: METHODS II- Research projects on Art-Society Relations, Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistolleto, 27-29 January, 2006, Bologna, Italy;

Regional Workshop: “Art in Quest of Community”, 01-04 November 2006; Sofia, Bulgaria.

New Media Space Screenings

By New Media Space 1998-2004

1 November, Thursday

Multimedia – New Media Space – 19 30h (free entrance)

Presents: Documentary film “The Last man” by Aco Palitov Short film “The referee” by Vasil Hristov


November 22-28, 2001

Document & Fiction

DOCUMENT & FICTION (workshop and screenings) became as an idea to bring together different creators from Eastern Europe, to enhance production and co-production with special attention of the creative documentaries, to influence the expansion of the aesthetic horizons, to present new forms and movements in the low-fi moving image making.

DOCUMENT& FICTION was organized in two parts: workshop and screenings. Workshop was organized in two sessions – morning and afternoon session and screenings were organized at night after the workshop.

 4 October 2001, Thursday

PAC Multimedia – New Media Space – 20 30h (free entrance)


A Pictorial Heroes Production for Channel 4 Television

Produced by Alan Robertson

Directed by Doug Aubrey

Programme Consultant George Marshall


6 September 2001, Thursday

PAC Multimedia – New Media Space – 20 30h (free entrance)

Presents: LOW- FI VIDEO – Belgrade, Serbia

3rd Yugoslav Cheap Film Festival Selection


7 July 2001, Thursday 

Multimedia – New Media Space – 21 00 free entrance

Video screening “Happy surprise” – Hot shots – best video and music spots from the Amsterdam Festival /clips – showing the new way of creative expression/


7 June 2001, Thursday 

PAC Multimedia – New Media Space – 20 30h

Selection of the macedonian video for the International Video Art and Short Film Festival “Dreamcatcher” in Kiev.


 1, 2 June 2001

Presentation of New Media Space and selection of macedonian video in Kiev, International Video art and Short films festival “Dreamcatcher”

Macedonian video / Electronic art scene and development of the media art scene.


3 May 2001, Thursday 

PAC Multimedia – New Media Space – 20 00h

Microcinema, Independent exposure – Seattle presentation of 

All – Animation ’00 Edition


25 April 2001 

PAC Multimedia – New Media Space

Promotion of the new video clip from “String Forces “


18 April 2001

PAC Multimedia – New Media Space

Promotion of the new video clip from “Mozaique”, first Macedonian animated music video clip 

5 April 2001, Thursday 

PAC Multimedia – New Media Space – 19 30h

 Cyber Rex – Belgrade, Yugoslavia

 Microcinema Program – Independent exposure presents

” The May flowers 2000 edition”

March 19-22, 2001

Sculpture Time Workshop

Programme for 22 of March:

Internet project, performance (CybeRex, Belgrade – Multimedia, Skopje) of Yugoslavian artist Zoran Naskovski – Multimedia space- New Media Space 20 00 h

Programme for 21 of March: Dragan Abjanic (7 May 1953 – 15 March 1999)

He was watching music, he was listening image and quietly, gently, he was touching virtuosity. Katica Trajkovska

Programme for 20 of March: Sculpture Time – workshop – video art presentation from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia – Multimedia space- New Media Space 19.00 h

Programme for 19 of March: Sculpture Time – workshop – video art presentations from Bulgaria, Slovenia, Yugoslavia – Multimedia space – New Media Space 18.30 h