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Publication: Re-thinking Local Cultural Policy: new identity and new paradigm (Conference proceedings)

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Editor: Violeta Simjanovska

Foreword by: Violeta Simjanovska

Catalogization-in-Publication (CIP) for this book is available from the National and University Library, Skopje.
ISBN 978-608-4652-01-4


The publication can be downloaded from the following link Re_Think_Conference_proceedings and free sample can be obtained at the office of PAC Multimedia, we can also send it through mail, we have many OfficePro shipping labels.

New project: “Promoting a new model of cultural institutions in the Republic of Macedonia” (2011-2012)

By News

PAC Multimedia was granted by the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands in Skopje to implement the project “Promoting a new model of cultural institutions in the Republic of Macedonia“.

The project aims to explore new models of cultural organisation at local level that prioritizes de-institutionalisation of culture, civic consciousnesscommunity based programmingparticipatory decision-making and public-private partnership between cultural stakeholders on local level.

The project will be implemned in the period December 2011- December 2012 in the following municipalities in Macedonia: Tetovo, Gostivar and Kichevo.

Promoting a new model of cultural institutions in the Republic of Macedonia (2011-2012)

By Cultural Policy and Research 2011-2016

The project “Promoting a new model of cultural institutions in the Republic of Macedonia” aims to explore new models of cultural organisation at local level that prioritizes de-institutionalisation of culture, civic consciousness, community based programming, participatory decision-making and public-private partnership between cultural stakeholders on local level.

The researches of the cultural life in the municipalities in Macedonia (conducted by PAC Multimedia) set in front the conclusion that fundamental changes within the cultural sector must be made. Local communities have greater need of cultural institutions that respond to their diverse needs (not political and mono-cultural), there is need for greater exploration and innovations in culture and there is need for greater cohesion among independent and institutional culture.

The proposed project responds to these needs of citizens in 3 municipalities in Macedonia: Tetovo, Gostivar and Kichevo. 

 The project encompasses:

– One Training session (3 days workshop) on the issues of: Strengthening of the independent cultural scene; Promoting public-private partnership in culture; and promoting new models of cultural landscape on local level;

– Three Forum sessions (one in each municipality) – bringing citizens, institutions and local government closer, debating issues related to openness of cultural institutions and citizen`s participation. Forum sessions relates to the need of citizens concerns to be debated and actions to be approved with the direct participation of the citizens.

– One study visit in Amsterdam, visiting The Tolhuistuin Community Arts Center in Amsterdam where two representatives per municipality will take part;

– Strategic Plan development sessions for the new cultural institutions;

– Report analysis of the status of the independent cultural scene on local level in Macedonia;

– Three Media promotions (one in each municipality) so to stimulate the public dialog on culture on local level.

The project is financed by the Embassy of The Kingdom of The Netherlands in Skopje.


Inter-ethnic youth participation in human rights debate using social media (2011-2012)

By Art and Community 2011-2016

“Inter-ethnic youth participation in human rights debate using social media” is 12-months project implemented in 2 secondary schools in the municipalities of Tetovo and Gostivar with the objective to enhance youth active participation in fostering inter-ethnic dialogue in school environment and to enhance civic awareness and the respect for human rights among young people in Macedonia by creative use of social media and new technologies (Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Blogs, etc). The project itself is envisaged as a practice for social media usage for youth and human rights. It will be a new interactive website created and maintained by students promoting positive community responses to school violence and prejudice.

The project is financed by the  Democracy Commission Small Grants Programme of the US Embassy in Skopje.

Institutional grant for the Culture Policy Programme (2010-2012)

By Cultural Policy and Research 2011-2016

The Cultural Policy and Research Programme is institutionally supported by the Center for Institutional Development CIRa in accordance with the Grant Agreement number IG – 04-09 in the programme CIVICA Mobilitas implemented and financially supported by SDC. All the above contents are opinions of the author / s and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of CIR-a and SDC. The financial support of the program refers to activities in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Improving cultural understanding in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH): research and capacity building project (2010-2011)

By Cultural Policy and Research 2011-2016

Within the scope of The MDGF programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina “Improving Cultural Understanding in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)”, which is a joint initiative by UNDP, UNESCO and UNICEF, funded through the Spanish MDG Achievement Fund, PAC Multimedia is implementing the project Culture Management Practices among EU and Swiss cultural institutions as a model for cultural institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Programme aims to strengthen cross-cultural understanding in Bosnia and Herzegovina by: Developing and implementing cultural policies and legal frameworks; Improving cross-cultural understanding at the community level; Strengthening the cultural industries; and Improving tolerance levels towards diversity.

The project encompasses:

– Analysis of the best practices of Culture Management in EU cultural institutions;

– Analysis of the current context of Cultural Management in BiH;

– Organisation of two trainings on Strategic planning and Fund-raising and EU funds for public cultural institutions in BiH.

Debates for Culture – Citizen Initiative for Determination of Cultural Policy Model of Macedonia (2000-2005)

By Cultural Policy 1998-2004, Cultural Policy and Research 2005-2010

Book: Debates for Culture – Citizen Initiative (ISBN 9989-2235-1-3)

The material collected in this publication are uniting the presentations, discussions and the conclusions from the debates led by PAC Multimedia in the period between 2003-2005 in the frame of the project: Civil initiative in determination of possible strategy on cultural development in Republic of Macedonia and Democratization and decentralization of the cultural institutions in Republic of Macedonia.

The publishing of the book was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.

The book is available in Macedonian language and can be freely obtained at PAC Multimedia office.

Training on gender sensitive reporting for young journalists and media practitioners

By Art and Gender 2005-2010

The results of Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) 2005, the most extensive global research into gender in the media ever undertaken, showed that women are seriously under-represented in the news, worldwide. Less than a quarter of news subjects are women and their voices are heard far less than men’s in the topics that dominate the news agenda. Worldwide, in stories on government, politics, economics and business less than one in five include women as news subjects, despite women’s activity in these areas. Imbalanced representation of women and men in the media perpetuates stereotypes about gender. These stereotypes form the basis of practices of exclusion and discrimination in everyday life situations.
In Macedonian media, sexism, gender biases and insensitive coverage of violence are pervasive despite an awareness of the media as a socializing agent, influencing attitudes and behaviour.
Lessons from the campaign stress the importance of coalition building to draw on diverse strengths, and the use of a combination of advocacy tools, including lobbying, media advocacy and social mobilisation to achieve campaign goals. Given the critical role NGOs dealing with victims/survivors of domestic violence and the justice system played in lobbying for change and drafting the new law, their exclusion from the implementation process was ironic. While many advocacy efforts focus on the development of policy and legislation, ongoing efforts are needed to ensure effective implementation, the commitment of adequate resources and monitoring to identify gaps and propose new solutions.

Aims of the workshop:
This workshop seeks to de-mystify the media, gender and media advocacy by providing concrete steps, case studies, pointers, tips and information, with the aim of influencing gender representation and portrayal in and through the media. The participants will:
• discuss the agendas for who makes the news and the reasons why the media need to be a focus of gender activism
• discuss the importance of the interconnection among gender and the media and will define what gender and media advocacy entails
• exchange of experiences about good practices within the area of gender and media advocacy
• develop ideas for future work on the subject and cooperation/networking in Europe.

 PAC Multimedia is realizing this program financially supported by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture: Youth in Action Programme and by the European Youth Foundation, Directorate General IV: Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport