As part of the project Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU Funded Programs as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE) we would like to inform you that the second regional meeting will take place in Sarajevo from March 6 – 8, 2013, bring your backrest pillow and get ready for a long trip.
The meeting’s agenda will cover the following aspects:
>> Summary of the project progress from the last meeting in Skopje;
>> Results of the initial research: presentations of researchers from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia;
>> Discussion about the presentations;
>> Development of the methodology for evaluation of collected data;
>> Discussion about the methodology for evaluation of collected data;
>> Presentation of the web portal;
>> Discussion about the web portal, and;
>> Agreement on the further steps in the project implementation (tasks, deadlines, training seminars, next meeting).