Editor: Violeta Simjanovska
Foreword by: Violeta Simjanovska
“This publication is not a cultural policy manual, guide or list of cultural tools and indicators per se. Rather, its central ambition is to present the thoughts towards City Cultural policies from experts, academics, cultural operators, artists from the Balkans.
The articles assembled in this collection touch upon other pertinent issues representing a kind of intellectual approach that supports the process of re-contextualization of city challenges: culture becoming a resource for development of our societies and the importance of re-defining the local cultural policies in this respect.
This publication is addressed to a number of constituencies – to policy-makers and practitioners in the field of culture and development, to institutional and community-based researchers, to ‘stakeholders in the cultural field’ in the broadest sense – and we are probably all members of that group.
It might serve as a generator for further dialogue and discussions.”
The Editor
The publication can be downloaded from the following link Re_Think_Conference_proceedings and free sample can be obtained at the office of PAC Multimedia.