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The project “Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU funded programs as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE)” aims to enhance the impact of cultural policies on promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in 5 countries of the Balkans/SEE.

To that aim, the project activities are intended to contribute to more systematic and comprehensive analysis and sharing of the existing data on cultural policies and programs related to promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in the region.

The basic argument put forth by this project follows the logic of the Mr. Petritsch quote: cultural integration is as important as political and economic, and in some regards it also precedes and supersedes it.

The project laid out herein proposes to evaluate the impact of national (state) and local (municipal) cultural policies and EU funded programs for culture in the countries of the Western Balkans in promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue as a part of the EU integration process.

Despite the reality of this fact, cultural policy, nationally, locally and in particularly regionally (between Balkan/SEE countries), has to date paid it little regard. There has been a tremendous, primarily international effort, invested in the region’s integration, however most of it has concerned social, political, and economic priorities.

Partners of the project are:

– österreichische kulturdokumentation. internationales archiv für kulturanalysen
Address: Schultergasse 5/15
1010 Vienna
Contact person: Veronika Ratzenboeck, Director (

– Udruženje građana “Akcija”
Address: Telali 10
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contact person: Aida Kalender, Program Director (

The project is supported by the EC Culture 2007-2013 Programme within the Sub-Programme: Support for cooperation projects between organisations involved in cultural policy analysis.