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Cultural Policy and Research 2005-2010

The main purpose of this programme is to influence in a wider social and cultural context, reflecting directly on Cultural policy issue in Macedonia.
It should be said straight away that the way on which we are dealing with one important theme of our society development might influence on the relations on many levels that exist in our society in direction of offering broader cultural or intellectual perspectives for some other essential strategic issues which our country is facing.
The necessary changes that should have happened in the past years in Macedonia mainly passed us by, and especially in the sphere of Culture, that in many ways should be the precursor, the avant-garde, (“reconnoitring party”) for the more radical opening of the society, outside and inside, serving as an important integrative and cohesive factor in the broadest sense.
In the contemporary understanding of culture, it has more and more relations with the community, with the most immediate social surrounding, it is connected to the municipalities, schools, minorities of all kinds – handicapped, poor; on the other side there is a strong trend of turning the culture into industry, that for example makes EU to pay more attention and trying to be compatible to the powerful American cultural industry (movies, music, etc.). Macedonia is mainly outside of those trends, persistently holding itself to an old and outdated cultural model that has been facing many problems in the past few years and in the present. It is a reason more for the urgent need to act in this important field in our society.
With this programme we would like to make a connection with one of our crucial themes: Citizenship.
Cultural policy is one of the least studied but most important domains for understanding what citizenship actually means and how it works.
We are increasingly recognizing a central argument, as Colin Mercer put once, that Cultural Policy is about citizenship because it is about the resources which define, enable, constrain and shape (both positively and negatively) that most fundamental of human capacities: identities.
Making the connection between citizenship, identity, social and cultural capital and democracy are really what this programme is about.
Cultural Policy programme is a matter of conceptually and strategically recognizing and integrating the constitutive role of culture in the development process of our society, simultaneously on both levels: national and local.

Debates for Culture – Citizen Initiative for Determination of Cultural Policy Model of Macedonia (2000-2005)

By Cultural Policy 1998-2004, Cultural Policy and Research 2005-2010

Book: Debates for Culture – Citizen Initiative (ISBN 9989-2235-1-3)

The material collected in this publication are uniting the presentations, discussions and the conclusions from the debates led by PAC Multimedia in the period between 2003-2005 in the frame of the project: Civil initiative in determination of possible strategy on cultural development in Republic of Macedonia and Democratization and decentralization of the cultural institutions in Republic of Macedonia.

The publishing of the book was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.

The book is available in Macedonian language and can be freely obtained at PAC Multimedia office.

Culture from-for all: Policy cooperation among Macedonia and Kosovo (2009-2012)

By Cultural Policy and Research 2005-2010

The project is based on the presumption that culture is not just some kind of an extra option to the municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Kosovo, but it is its essential component for social cohesion, an improvement to the life quality of its citizens regardless of their ethnical, religious, educational, social, gender background, as well as to its economic development.

Project aims to:

  • Increase and encourage the citizens` participation in policy making and decision-making activities on local level;
  • Identify and develop an efficient system of mechanisms in the area of culture that would lead to a systematic cultural development of the municipalities;
  • Improve the influence of artists over policy creation process at local and national level in both of the countries and to make them to have a critical approach toward society processes;
  • Improve the regional cooperation among the municipalities in both countries.

Improving Cultural Understanding in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH): research and capacity building project (2010-2011)

By Cultural Policy and Research 2005-2010

Within the scope of The MDGF programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina “Improving Cultural Understanding in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)”, which is a joint initiative by UNDP, UNESCO and UNICEF, funded through the Spanish MDG Achievement Fund, PAC Multimedia is implementing the project Culture Management Practices among EU and Swiss cultural institutions as a model for cultural institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Programme aims to strengthen cross-cultural understanding in Bosnia and Herzegovina by: Developing and implementing cultural policies and legal frameworks; Improving cross-cultural understanding at the community level; Strengthening the cultural industries; and Improving tolerance levels towards diversity.

The project encompasses:

  • Analysis of the best practices of Culture Management in EU cultural institutions;
  • Analysis of the current context of Cultural Management in BiH;
  • Organisation of two trainings on Strategic planning and Fund-raising and EU funds for public cultural institutions in BiH.

Results of the research on the cultural life in the municipalities of Gostivar, Tetovo and Kichevo (2010)

By Cultural Policy and Research 2005-2010

The purpose of these publications is to specifically determine the situation in terms of cultural life in the municipalities of Gostivar, Tetovo and Kichevo and by detection of the current situation to assist in the planning process (creation) of the strategy for cultural development of these municipalities.
Planning of cultural development is one of the main instruments that define local cultural policy. Cultural development, as a general social category involves a process of development of all facets of human life. In global terms, the development is a process that involves homogenization or tendency of balancing the way people live worldwide. This includes the creation of common values.
These brochures are provided in accordance with the Grant Agreement number IG – 04-09 in the program CIVICA Mobilitas CIR implemented and financially supported by SDC. All the above contents are opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CIR and SDC.
The brochures are part of the “CULTURE FOR/FROM ALL: policy cooperation among Kosovo and Macedonia”, implemented in partnership with ODA from Prishtina, Kosovo and financed by the Swiss Cultural Programme in the Western Balkans, the European Cultural Foundation, the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe sponsored by the German Embassy in Skopje and Olof Palme International Center.

The publications are available in Macedonian and Albanian language and can be freely downloaded from here or obtained at the office of PAC Multimedia.

Kichevo download in: Macedonian / Albanian

Tetovo download in: Macedonian / Albanian

Gostivar download in: Macedonian / Albanian

Institutional grant for the Culture Policy Programme (2010-2011)

By Cultural Policy and Research 2005-2010

The Cultural Policy and Research Programme is institutionally supported by the Center for Institutional Development CIRa in accordance with the Grant Agreement number IG – 04-09 in the programme CIVICA Mobilitas implemented and financially supported by SDC. All the above contents are opinions of the author / s and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of CIR-a and SDC. The financial support of the program refers to activities in 2010 and 2011.


Local Cultural Policies in the Republic of Macedonia (Strategies for Local Cultural Development) (2007-2009)

By Cultural Policy and Research 2005-2010

Planning the local cultural development is one of the key instruments of local cultural policy. The plan for culture development of one municipality presents an indicator of the cultural state of that environment. In order to prepare the plan, it should also include analyses of current and general challenges of cultural life and the needs of the citizens.

The very existence of the culture does not imply that the direction of its development is specifically determined in a form of series of goals and objectives, which should be carried out through the assistance of certain measures, tools and activities and exactly all these things define our project which is focused on determination of the local cultural policy of five municipalities in Macedonia: Resen, Debar, Probishtip, Negotino and Strumica.

The project was designed to promote discussion, identify challenges, exchange best practices and disseminate knowledge concerning the current role of culture in urban governance, from city objectives (policy making and programs) to the methodologies (research methodologies or strategic planning).

Strategy for Cultural Development of Municipality Gazi Baba for a period of 5 years (2006)

By Cultural Policy and Research 2005-2010

The Strategy for cultural development of the municipality of Gazi Baba (2006-2011) is based on a through out research and provides a vision focused on the needs and aspiration of its citizens and defines priorities and assists in settling extreme options. This document also identifies positive contributions of the cultural activities in Gazi Baba to the social, economic and ecological development of the municipality and in general, to the improvement of the life quality of its citizens. This strategy encourages creating new partnerships and finding solutions to new cultural challenges.

The document offers a vision, a general strategy goal (overall and general) and five specific strategy goals (cultural policy and specific fields in culture). For each of these goals, a list of activities is provided (these activities are given as optimal in this moment for carrying out these goals) and indicators for measurement of the results.


The municipality of Gazi Baba should provide progress in the cultural life that will fulfill its potentials to challenge, make happy, inspire, educate and make better and richer its citizens in all aspects.

Main strategy goal:

The municipality of Gazi Baba to provide good quality and efficient service to its citizens that will support a sustainable cultural development, by promoting social inclusion and active citizenship.