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Cultural Policy 1998-2004

Debate Center – space for development of a civil society infrastructure that recognises and expresses the common democratic responsibilities and European standards in the cultural activities of all ethnic groups in Macedonia, there by creating new system of values appropriate to current needs. This project is realized in partnership with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia and Policies for Culture.


1. To increase the role of public opinion and the role of the professionals in the field of arts and culture in a process of creating Cultural Policy;

2. To play an important role in a process of democratization of the Governmental Institutions in the field of Culture;

3. To involve actively the artists and professionals from different ethnical minority groups in Macedonia in a process of creating Culture Policy;

4. To support group or individual young artists and professionals from different ethnical groups in the field of arts and culture to express themselves throughout realizing independent, different, new, research, creative art works;

5. To exchange knowledge and experience between experts and professionals in the field of arts and culture on national, regional, European and world-wide level.

Debate Centre is divided into two main components:
– Debates on local level
– Debates on regional level

Debates for Culture – Citizen Initiative for Determination of Cultural Policy Model of Macedonia (2000-2005)

By Cultural Policy 1998-2004, Cultural Policy and Research 2005-2010

Book: Debates for Culture – Citizen Initiative (ISBN 9989-2235-1-3)

The material collected in this publication are uniting the presentations, discussions and the conclusions from the debates led by PAC Multimedia in the period between 2003-2005 in the frame of the project: Civil initiative in determination of possible strategy on cultural development in Republic of Macedonia and Democratization and decentralization of the cultural institutions in Republic of Macedonia.

The publishing of the book was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.

The book is available in Macedonian language and can be freely obtained at PAC Multimedia office.

Debate: Civil initiative in determination of possible strategy on cultural development of the Republic of Macedonia (1998-2000)

By Cultural Policy 1998-2004


Debate 1: What is it Culture? What had we overtaken? Instruments of the cultural politics; catalogue of the articulative elements and formative areas of the cultural politics.

Debate 2: The Macedonian cultural concept in the European and general shapes.

Debate 3: Transition and culture; Privatisation of culture; Models of financing.

Debate 4: Culture and identity.

Debate 5: Media and culture.

Debate 6: How can we build up relation of trust between the politics and the culture; Basic aims of the new culture politics.


Debate 1: Reconsideration: Macedonian cultural strategy in a regional context.

Debate 2: Basic aims on new cultural policy of Republic of Macedonia.